African Traditions;

African Traditions are expressed through 

  >>>> Music  >>>Art  >>>Dance >>>beadwork 

Oral Tradition : oral tradition is very important in African culture ,as it insures the passage of cultural practices from one generation to another.

Music :

                           Source: Google 

Music is a form of communication and it plays a functional role in African society. Songs accompany marriage, birth, rites of passage, hunting and even political activities. Music is often used in different African cultures to ward off evil spirits and to pay respects to good spirits, the dead and ancestors.


                         Source: Google 

 Dance is an integral part of the African culture, and it utilizes symbolic gestures, masks, costumes, body painting and props to communicate. The dance movements can be simple or complex with intricate actions including fast rotation, ripples of the body and contraction and release. Dance is used to express emotion, whether joyful or sorrowful and it is not limited to just the dancers.The African masks that are used in dances have religious, ceremonial and functional origins.The African mask represents a spirit and it is believed that the spirit possesses the dancer as they wear the mask. 

Art and beadwork:

                             Source: Google 
The Zulu people are well known for their intricate beadwork. The colour of each bead carries a specific meaning.

It is an African tradition for young girls to send a boy a beaded bracelet of different colours. The boy will court her for a while and at the appropriate time, he will ask her the meaning of the beads.

Art and sculpture are prevalent in African culture, and the most common themes depict a couple, a woman and child, a male with a weapon or animal, or a “stranger.”When the stranger is represented in African art, it usually depicts someone from a foreign country or tribe that is not welcomed.

         ***   Thank you ***


Priya s


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